What are the 5 pillars of sustainability?


WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? Sustainability is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations, ensuring a balance between economic growth, care for the environment and social well-being.

Sustainable development is a concept that first appeared in 1987 with the publication of the Brundtland Report, which warned of the negative environmental consequences of economic development and globalization and sought to find possible solutions to the problems arising from industrialization and population growth.SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT EXPLAINED IN 2 MINUTESIn this video we show you what sustainability is, its origin and its importance in trying to achieve global welfare for present and future generations.

Many of the challenges facing human beings, such as climate change, water scarcity, inequality or hunger, can only be solved from a global perspective and by promoting sustainable development: a commitment to social progress, environmental balance and economic growth.

What are the five pillars of education for sustainable consumption?

The term sustainability has been on everyone’s lips for some time now. Sustainable food products, sustainable vehicles, sustainable economy… Moreover, any self-respecting corporation has included sustainability strategies in its planning, but do we really know what sustainability is? The truth is that sustainable development aims to preserve the planet and satisfy human needs, since the exploitation of resources in a sustainable way makes them last over time and be maintained for future generations.

A sustainable world is only possible if everyone gets involved with the cause, carrying out activities that empathize with the pillars we have just seen. Some of the actions that you can take on your own and that help the sustainability of the planet are:


Although they may seem to be very similar terms, they should not be confused. Sustainable development seeks to achieve sustainability or sustainability is an objective of this type of development. Thus, this development aims to achieve an improvement in the environment and the quality of life of people without endangering the livelihood for the survival of future generations and the planet itself. Sustainability in ecology is known as the process by which species in biological systems are in balance with the resources of the environment they inhabit.

The objectives of sustainable development are included in the 2030 Agenda, approved by the United Nations. This document includes a series of measures through which to guarantee objectives such as:

Sustainable development has three fundamental pillars that, in a way, group the previous objectives. These pillars are economic, social and environmental sustainability or environmental protection.Economic sustainabilityOn the economic level, the idea is promoted that economic growth should occur in a way that is consistent with natural resources, without overloading the capacities of nature. It also seeks an equitable investment and distribution of economic resources, eliminating poverty and promoting equality.Social sustainabilityIn this area, the objective is to implement the idea of equality where every citizen is able to access a good quality of life. This can be achieved by promoting education and health policies, raising awareness among the population so that they participate in the processes employed in the sustainable development of the resources of the cities and countries in which they live, or employing policies that promote peace.Environmental sustainabilityThe basic idea is that the resources offered by nature are not inexhaustible, so they must be a good that must be protected and rationed. Some examples of measures that can be taken to achieve this are the use of sustainable agriculture and rural development policies, the use of renewable energies, water saving, recycling, control of deforestation and sustainable mobility.

Pillars of sustainable development pdf

The terms sustainable development,[1] sustainable development[2] and enduring development[3] apply to the organizing principle of achieving human development objectives while sustaining the capacity of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services on which the economy and society depend, with particular attention to the preservation of historical and cultural sites. The desired outcome is a societal situation where living conditions and resources are used to continue to meet human needs without undermining the integrity and stability of the natural system. It can also be defined as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

In summary, sustainable or sustainable development is a concept developed towards the end of the 20th century as an alternative to the usual concept of development, emphasizing reconciliation between economic well-being, natural resources and society, while avoiding compromising the possibility of life on the planet and the quality of life of the human species. The Report on the State of the World’s Volunteerism highlights that, in most societies of the world, volunteers contribute significantly to economic and social development[5] Currently, there is widespread concern about the phenomenon of climate change, environmental care and the conservation of tangible and intangible assets of historical and cultural interest, so that new generations can be the continuators of a planet Earth with a future.