How do you compost compostable plastic cups?

Compostable cups colombia

Experts tell us that the most desirable destination for plastics is recycling, since we don’t have to keep wasting resources, waste is avoided and jobs are generated. However, recycling plastics is what we do the least and it is not clear to us whether all plastics are truly recyclable.

To recycle plastics, each one would have to be separated and treated properly. But despite the yellow garbage cans, we all have serious doubts that the fate of the plastics we civically deposit in them will result in proper recycling.

Plastics can be recycled in 3 different ways: either by using a plastic to make products from that same plastic (for example, recycling PET bottles into new PET bottles), or using a plastic to make a different product (for example, using PET to make fabrics, or transforming bags into plastic granulate that can be used to make other products), or breaking the plastic polymer into monomers to make new polymers (this is the most expensive and least used method).

Compostable pots

I’m sure you’ve heard of biodegradable cups. These cups are made from 100% renewable and environmentally friendly materials, which means that by using them you minimize your environmental impact. This means that by using them you minimize your environmental impact. Do you care about the ecological footprint you leave on the planet with your daily consumption? Do you want to know more about them? In this post we tell you more.

Biodegradable and compostable cups, like the ones we have in Eden, are made with natural polymers. Natural components such as natural rubber, cassava, legumes, starch, cellulose or banana, among others, are used in their manufacture.

Due to the use of these natural materials, these biodegradable cups are also compostable. That is to say, at the end of their life they will become organic fertilizer for plants: it is estimated that in a composting plant they become compost in just 90 days. Therefore, they represent an important step forward in the fight for the preservation of our planet.

Of these natural materials, starch is the one most often used in the production of this type of cups, especially starch derived from potato, corn and wheat starch. Starch derived from potato starch is the one that gives the best results right now, since it is inexhaustible. In addition, it has a high crop yield, which helps to boost the agricultural sector.

Biodegradable cups price

The guaranteed ecological origin of the raw materials used in the manufacture of El Botijo Agua de Andalucía cups, and their processing, gives us the peace of mind to offer you the most sustainable alternative for a short-lived utensil such as a disposable cup.

We know that as a supplier it would not make sense to make your life easier with our supply of water dispensers at home, if we do not comply with a commitment to the environment that provides us with the natural mineral water we offer.

Biodegradable disposable cups

In the attempt to leave plastic behind, it is easy to come across products that boast of being biodegradable and, increasingly, also compostable, but often the labels obey marketing criteria rather than reality. The use that companies make of these two concepts not only generates confusion at the time of purchase, but also makes waste management more difficult.

Another word that is increasingly appearing on labels is “compostable”, often next to “biodegradable”. Composting is a type of biodegradation that takes place under conditions of oxygen and elevated temperature. Thus, under specific and controllable conditions, the packaging or product is degraded by the action of organisms and microorganisms into another product called “compost”, which can be used as organic fertilizer for agriculture and gardening. The composting cycle of organic matter is one of the most obvious examples of circular economy, where the waste generated is a resource that will be returned to the soil in the form of organic matter and nutrients.