Refrigerant r22 properties
Faced with the gradual exit of this substance from the refrigerant market, the industry is forced to develop increasingly sustainable, efficient and environmentally friendly solutions. FreonTM MO99 and OpteonTM XP40, an HFC and an HFO, respectively, are Chemours’ alternatives to replace R-22.
Despite the diverse applications and properties of R-22, it is part of the hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) generation. This means that it is regulated by the Montreal Protocol, an internationally ratified environmental agreement aimed at protecting the ozone layer. Its purpose is to eliminate the use of ozone-depleting substances (ODS), and it establishes that HCFCs will be gradually reduced, indicating that they will cease to be used by 2030.
Around the world, companies such as Chemours invest in research and development to produce increasingly efficient refrigerants to replace R-22, such as Freon™ MO99 (R-438A).
R22 gas banned
In fact, both R22 and all HCFC gases are completely restricted in Europe. Although their use is permitted in other countries for the time being, they are in the process of being phased out.
This is the case with HFC gases, substances in whose composition chlorine is eliminated, thanks to which they have zero impact on the ozone layer and also greatly reduce their environmental impact.
It is therefore mandatory to renew systems using R22, which is the basis for many of the equipment used in the air conditioning sector (domestic and industrial), as well as in commercial refrigeration and refrigerated transport installations.
Compatible with the system’s original oil, R-422D refrigerant gas offers high performance in industrial and commercial refrigeration applications, such as supermarket cold rooms and ice machines, as well as refrigerated transport.
Compatible with domestic and commercial air conditioning systems, R-417A refrigerant gas is the most suitable product for systems that used to use R22, such as heat pumps, splits, rooftop units, preservation chambers, refrigerated transport or food storage.
R22 refrigerant pressure table
Last Thursday, January 2, was published in the Official Gazette the update of the Regulation that establishes the rules applicable to imports and exports of substances controlled by the Montreal Protocol.
The new Supreme Decree No. 03 of 2019 (D.S. 3/2019), of the Ministry General Secretariat of the Presidency, annuls D.S. 75/2012 of the same ministry and includes substances known as HFCs, therefore their import and export is subject to the control of the National Customs Service since January 1, 2020. It also completely bans HCFC-141b.
With the approval of this Decree, the aim is to give continuity to the work of regulating ozone-depleting substances, but also to reduce GHG emissions and contribute to the fulfillment of national commitments on climate change.
By virtue of which and with the objective of meeting Chile’s goal by 2030 (INDC, 2015[2]), to reduce CO2 emissions per unit of GDP by 30% with respect to the level reached in 2007, is that the ratification of our country to the Kigali Amendment to the Protocol, for the control and reduction of HFC consumption, through this new decree, is a route to the mitigation of global warming and the protection of the environment.
Gas r22 price per kilo
For many of those involved in the business of refrigeration and air conditioning is well known the effect caused by refrigerant gases to the atmosphere, which are attributed much of the blame for the hole in the ozone layer.
For many of those linked to the work of refrigeration and air conditioning is well known the effect caused by refrigerant gases into the atmosphere, which are attributed much of the blame for the hole in the ozone layer.
Substances such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), because they contain chlorine, react with the ozone molecule producing a photochemical chain reaction, which eventually breaks down the ozone molecule.
But these bad practices are not only still being implemented with these chlorinated gases, but also with gases considered new generation as R-410A, created to replace CFCs and HCFCs, thanks to its Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) is zero, because it contains no chlorine and therefore it is argued that they are definitive refrigerants. However, it has Global Warming Potential (GWP) values, which implies an influence on the greenhouse effect.