Is water a non-renewable resources?

Water is a renewable or non-renewable resource yahoo

Argentina has a privileged position due to its surface water flow and subway reservoirs. Its aquifers are reserve sources of enormous world value. But experts warn against climate change and indiscriminate use.

ater, as an essential material for life, has always been a central factor for mankind. It is no coincidence that great civilizations developed along mighty rivers such as the Tigris and Euphrates, the Nile or the Tiber. But today, in the face of growing demand and scarcity in several regions, it has become a strategic resource in the world and, therefore, an element of conflict. Water care has become almost a matter of state.

To get an idea of what this means in practice, one only has to analyze some figures mentioned by two specialists, engineers Sergio Fattorelli and Pedro C. Fernandez. “Water in general and groundwater in particular is a limited resource on our planet, where more than 97% is salty and concentrated in seas and oceans. Of the rest, about 2% constitutes the polar ice caps in the form of ice. This is followed in magnitude by groundwater, whose reserve up to a depth of 1,000 m is estimated at 0.5% of the total, while the instantaneous volume of surface water is only 0.02%”.

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Broadly speaking, we can distinguish between salt water and fresh water, the latter being the most important for human beings since we need it for drinking, agriculture, industry and other needs.

About 70% of the Earth’s surface is occupied by water. It is indispensable for all forms of life, without it, the phenomenon of life would not have occurred. Water and life establish an indissoluble relationship; this strong and total dependence on water is reflected in the fact that living beings are, for the most part, made up of water.

Water originates in two ways, one in the interior of the Earth and the other on the surface. The internal pathway consists of a series of chemical reactions that occur within the Earth’s crust and produce water, which comes to the surface through eruptions, hot springs or geysers.

On the other hand, the external route begins with the evaporation of water from seas, reservoirs, rivers and other water sources. Animals and plants also contribute water vapor to the atmosphere by sweating and transpiration. This vapor rises to the atmosphere and when it cools due to low temperatures, it condenses and forms clouds.

Water is renewable or non-renewable

“To integrate the National Information System on water quantity, quality, uses and conservation, with the participation of the Basin Organizations, in coordination with the governments of the states and of the Federal District and with the Basin Councils…” Article 9, Section XLVII.

For the dissemination of information generated through the National Information System on water quantity, quality, uses, and conservation, the National Water Information System (SINA) has been implemented.

It allows generating maps dynamically from geographic coordinates in an image format such as PNG, GIF or JPEG, thus facilitating the construction of customized maps from data taken from different sources that can be visualized in search engines and desktop applications.

A web service is a set of protocols and standards used to exchange data between applications. Different software applications developed in different programming languages, and running on any platform, can use web services to exchange data over computer networks such as the Internet.

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Let’s begin by clarifying some concepts or definitions to help us understand the subject: water is a natural resource since it is produced by nature itself, without any human intervention. Therefore, its contribution to the maintenance of life on the planet is natural. And for a natural resource to be considered renewable, its regeneration cycles must be greater than its rate of extraction. Now, although it can be affirmed that water has a system of cycles, it can also be affirmed that if it decomposes or is contaminated with certain materials, it will never be recovered by nature. The planet does not produce new water, water is stable on earth.

On the other hand, we can analyze the fact that a non-renewable resource is defined as “limited deposits or resources with a regeneration cycle below the exploitation rates”. It is evident that we are polluting and consuming water in an irresponsible way, we are even decomposing it to produce energy in an irrational act from the point of view of the survival of the species.