How do you weld ABS plastic?

Complete kit for plastic welding

ABS plastic (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) stands out for its high resistance to violent impacts, which is why it is widely used at industrial level. For bonding this type of plastic, UV and cyanoacrylate adhesives are ideal, as they improve adhesion durability. Follow the steps below to perform the process properly:Another alternative is to glue ABS plastic using pure acetone. If you want to implement this option, follow the steps below: If you were interested in this article on how to glue plastic, you may be interested in this one on How to bleach plastic, as taking care of your objects is essential to avoid breakage.


In this week’s post we are going to talk about the manual welding of plastics with rod. This type of welding is very simple but must be done correctly, then we will describe step by step how to do it right.

Once we have the necessary equipment to do this type of welding, the most important thing is to recognize the plastic that we are going to weld. The plastic is only welded to each other, that is to say, if we have a polyethylene tank, the rod we must use is polyethylene, if the tank is ABS the welding rod must be ABS, and so on with all the thermoplastics.

Normally it is easy to know what plastic is made of what we are going to weld, it can come marked, or it can have technical specifications, if it is not so we can call the manufacturer and he can tell us. If we cannot recognize the plastic by any of the three previous options, we can always try to find out by ourselves, there are some methods that can allow us to know it. Here are two links to our blog where you can see two posts we published a few months ago on how to recognize the plastic (part 1) in order to use the corresponding rod.


Repairing plastic items can be confusing for someone who has never done it before. There are no parts to replace (usually), no nuts to tighten, just repair the material itself.

Plastic can be easier to work with than you might imagine. With some heat and some pressure, many items can be fixed quite simply. So, before you resign yourself to tossing a broken piece of plastic into your recycling garbage can, here are some techniques you can use to repair plastic.

If you have two separate pieces of plastic that need to be joined together or if they have a crack, then you’ll need some plastic welding. The basic idea is to apply heat to the edges that are joined to melt the plastic until it is liquid enough to blur the edges. Additional plastic can be melted into the groove to create a stronger bond, but depending on the situation, this may not always be necessary.

If your part has a large enough hole, you will need to resort to creating a plastic patch. The answer to this particular problem seems to have been best addressed by kayakers. Using a heat source (preferably a heat gun), soften the edges of the hole and the section of plastic you’ll use as a patch and carefully place it to make sure the hole is completely covered. This gets very hot, so you’ll need gloves. Once the patch is in place, you can use a hot metal spoon or trowel to smooth the edges.


When we talk about plastics in a colloquial way, we are actually referring to thermoplastics, so called because they can melt and change shape, since their molecular chain structure is open. The most popular are polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene (PE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), low-density polyethylene (LDPE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET). For example, HDPE is present in tanks, bottles or tanks, while PVC and LDPE are common in furniture, toys and packaging.

To weld plastic at home we will need a hot air welder, a device that applies a stream of hot air to a welding rod that is inserted into a nozzle. After preheating the soldering iron, we will remove the first layer of plastic to make the grip more secure. Then the two parts to be welded are fixed and the rod is introduced into the nozzle while the tip of the gun slides over the area to be fused. When the area cools, it is sanded again and the process is completed.