What are the advantages of recycling materials?

Economic benefits of recycling

The promotion of a circular economy and the use of recycled materials from waste for production presents a great opportunity for future improvement. But what waste can be recycled, what types of recycled materials are available, and what are the uses of recycled materials?

The manufacture of new products involves a constant demand for resources and materials. Since many of them are finite, it is necessary to invest efforts to make their use environmentally and economically sustainable, conserving them throughout the life cycle of the product and promoting the conversion of waste into resources.

The reduction of environmental impact through energy savings from the use of these materials is substantial: 95% for aluminum recycling, 85% for copper, 74% for iron and steel, and 65% for lead.

The wood that can be recycled comes mainly from industries. These industries dispose of wood waste such as pallets, wooden spools, furniture, chipboard, boxes and crates, offcuts, shavings, sawdust, pruning…

Benefits of recycling plastic

Many of us are overwhelmed by the term “recycling”. Recycling is a form of waste management that involves converting waste and other used materials into reusable products. Recycling helps reduce energy consumption, reduces raw material consumption, reduces air and water pollution (from landfills) by reducing the need for “conventional” waste disposal and also reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

All forms of pollution in the modern world emanate from industrial waste. Recycling of these industrial wastes, such as plastics, cans and chemicals, goes a long way to reducing pollution levels considerably, as these wastes are reused rather than disposed of recklessly.

It is perfectly true that recycling minimizes global warming and its serious impacts. During waste disposal, huge amounts of waste are burned, resulting in the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur and nitrogen, which contribute to climate change and global warming.

Advantages and disadvantages of recycling

In this post we want to tell you about 5 of the contributions that recycling brings to society as a whole. This activity is very positive, so if you have not yet incorporated it into your daily habits, what are you waiting for?

Manufacturing a new product means starting the production process from scratch, which entails significant energy consumption. If that product were to use recycled materials, certain steps in the manufacturing process would be omitted and this energy would be saved.

Energy conservation through the use of recycled products reduces economic dependence on oil. In this sense, petroleum is the main ingredient in the plastic manufacturing industry, so the use of recycled plastic conserves this non-renewable and increasingly scarce resource on the planet.

Benefits of recycling in society

A recyclable material is one that can be used again after its main use, with which it is possible to create new materials to transform them by giving them a new use. However, they can also be reused for the same function they had in the beginning, for example, aluminum cans, paper or glass.

The recycling process starts with a selection between those materials that can have another opportunity of use and those that are waste, after being deposited in the corresponding containers. At home we can place several containers, one for organic waste and others for materials that can be reused.