Can glossy magazines go in recycling?

What is the purpose of the blue container?

The production of magazines goes through several steps, from the receipt of the file by the printer to the distribution and sale of the final product. The printing companies choose the material, the printer, make proofs, generate the plates, print and bind the magazine… which will end up in a container. But which one? Ecoembes shows you how to recycle old magazines!

Are magazines recyclable? Yes, old magazines should be recycled. As long as they are clean and not plasticized, waxed or waxed, they should be deposited in the blue garbage can. Otherwise, if they have glue or are dirty, they should be disposed of in the grey garbage can.

In addition, when throwing them in the trash, it is important to cut or fold the magazines so that they take up less space in the container and it is easier to deposit them. It should also be taken into account that, if they are kept in plastic bags, they should be taken out of them to throw them away. A more convenient alternative is to dispose of them in paper or cardboard bags.

Gray container

The different types of glass that exist are chemically incompatible, so a selection prior to recycling is necessary. In this case, we have three types of materials: recyclable glass, non-recyclable glass and crystals. Each one has different compositions and chemical properties.

At first sight, some are more transparent and fragile than others, but the main difference is their melting point. When melting at different temperatures we obtain products that contain lumps in the structure and are defective.

Que se deposite en el contenedor amarillo

La mayoría de los artículos que compramos en la tienda o por Internet vienen en algún tipo de envase; latas de sopa, botellas de ketchup, bolsas de ensalada, cajas de cereales, tarros de gelatina, etc. La buena noticia es que casi todos estos envases son reciclables.

Muchas tiendas los aceptan, así que puedes embolsar tus bolsas de pan limpias y secas, las bolsas de tortilla, las bolsas de la tintorería y otros plásticos filmados para llevarlos a la tienda en tu próxima visita. Para encontrar una tienda que las acepte cerca de ti, visita PlasticFilmRecycling o Earth911. Tanto si depositas el plástico film en un lugar de recogida como si lo depositas en tu cubo de basura, anúdalo antes de tirarlo para evitar la basura en el aire.

Periódicos, papel de copia, libros, revistas, papel de envolver no brillante, cajas de pizza no grasientas y sin comida pegada, cartón (aplanado), tubos de toallas de papel, tubos de papel higiénico, papel triturado (sólo en bolsas de plástico CLARAS), envases de cartón de bebidas, cajas de cereales, cajas de envío, guías telefónicas, correo basura (elimina la información personal)

What the gray garbage can is for

Not all plastics are recyclable. And even among those that are, some are more difficult to process than others. PET and HDPE are the easiest to recycle. The rest are not always accepted at collection centers because not all of them have the machinery to give them a new life. Recyclable plastics are:

– PET (Polyethylene terephthalate). Example: soft drink bottles. It can be recycled to obtain PET again, fiber for T-shirts, ropes, carpets, pillows, construction materials, among other things.

However, compared to other recyclable materials, glass is very heavy and difficult to transport, making it very fragile. This makes it expensive to recycle and very high in energy consumption.

Glass is a more environmentally friendly option than plastic or cans, but only if it is reused. If you are going to use glass containers only once before discarding them, then it is preferable to use cans.