How does recycling work Scishow?

Recycling symbols for children

Nowadays we are familiar with the term “recycling”, we even see colorful containers in the street and some of us have an idea of what it refers to, but it is necessary to reinforce this information because we must learn about the classification of waste so that the recycling process is more and more successful.

The fundamental thing for this is to know how to separate the material to be deposited in the containers temporarily, that is why the Ministry of Environment has standardized the classification through the Nch 3322, this standard establishes the color codes for each type of waste.

Although visually we recognize the elements that identify the subject we are talking about, there is still the need to learn about the correct use of the containers, for that we leave this blog post with the meaning of each color of trash can:

The Blue container is for paper and cardboard, these must be clean and folded at the time of taking to the recycling point.Light Gray is for metals that must be rinsed free of residue and dry.

What is the symbol for reuse?

We ourselves can start today with actions against the climate emergency, which calls for a healthy plant-based diet and the reduction of food waste and organic waste.

We have already seen how to avoid wasting new and whole fruit, and in the case of vegetables, if we buy organic, we can save the skin and then boil them and make broth. The banana peel can be used to make tacos seasoned with tomato and chipotle. This can only be done with organic vegetables because the skin is where the chemicals are impregnated and we must avoid them.

I remember that in Australia most of the take-out food was in reusable clear plastic tupperware with spill-proof lids. The main problem is that they are not BPA free and when they contain hot food or when reheated they release particles that are unhealthy to ingest.  Another aspect to highlight is that people collect them, there were those who no longer bought tuppers in the supermarket or had both.  This is what we want to avoid, overproduction. Many times they end up in the garbage because there are too many or because they are not of good quality and break.

Recycling symbols and their names

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam blandit sem vel neque iaculis, vitae tempus lacus pellentesque. Nullam sed est vel massa laoreet varius. Sed euismod arcu ante, ac lacinia nunc venenatis eget. Sed bibendum, turpis vitae dapibus venenatis, urna ex blandit felis, eu faucibus mi sapien non velit.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam blandit sem vel neque iaculis, vitae tempus lacus pellentesque. Nullam sed est vel massa laoreet varius. Sed euismod arcu ante, ac lacinia nunc venenatis eget. Sed bibendum, turpis vitae dapibus venenatis, urna ex blandit felis, eu faucibus mi sapien non velit. Aenean eu tempor lectus. Nulla bibendum, ipsum maximus facilisis ultrices, arcu augue facilisis nisi, at facilisis orci risus sed erat. Mauris eget velit cursus, lobortis

Símbolos de reciclaje de plástico

Desde el inicio del curso escolar, los alumnos han sentido mucha curiosidad por saber a qué lugar pertenece la basura del almuerzo: al contenedor verde, al azul o al negro. Además, Vicente observó en un libro sobre los océanos que había mucha basura en ellos. Así que decidimos profundizar en este tema.

Los profesores planificamos una red que incluyera todas las palabras que se nos ocurrieran relacionadas con los residuos. Esta web sirve de punto de partida para el proyecto, así como de guía para ver a dónde nos lleva el tema. Sin embargo, el interés de los alumnos es lo que guía nuestra dirección.

En general, los alumnos no se preocuparon demasiado por la basura; la mayoría se limitó a rodearla o a apartarla. Cuando llegó el momento de limpiar, algunos incluyeron los residuos en sus cestas de materiales.

La herramienta de la brújula es un organizador gráfico que ayuda a los alumnos a mostrar su proceso de pensamiento sobre la relación entre: naturaleza, economía, sociedad y bienestar. En lugar de estas 4 categorías, utilizamos un lenguaje más fácil de entender para los alumnos: Naturaleza, Necesidad de dinero, Gente y Bueno para mí. Los alumnos primero compartieron una idea que tenían sobre el “agua en casa”, dibujaron una representación pictórica, colocaron sus tarjetas en una de las cuatro categorías y explicaron su elección.