What is gelcoat for
Gelcoat is a compound that can be based on unsaturated polyester or epoxy resin, which coats the surface of the boat and is very resistant to the marine environment. Gelcoat is a material used to provide a protective coating on the surface of the boat.
The problem is that as the coating ages, the surface becomes more porous and sometimes black dots begin to appear, which are fungi that contribute to the dirty appearance of the boat.
The best way to keep the surface clean is to opt for mild detergents, which can be diluted in both fresh and salt water. There are also protective wax cleaners on the market that contain anti-limescale agents that remove the film deposited on the hull. These products plug the micro-porosities and delay the incrustation of stains and the seizure of saline deposits.
If the usual white of the gel-coat begins to yellow, we can use products to whiten it, taking special care in the aluminum areas.there are a variety of products to whiten the gel.
Tiempo de secado del gel coat
Rupert Holmes tiene más de 70.000 millas de experiencia en cruceros y regatas en alta mar, en aguas que van desde el Mar del Norte hasta el Océano Austral y el Cabo de Hornos. Escribe sobre todos los aspectos de la propiedad de un barco y los viajes marítimos, incluidos los destinos, la marinería y el mantenimiento, además de realizar pruebas periódicas de barcos y equipos nuevos.
Actualmente navega unas 5.000 millas al año y en las dos últimas temporadas ha hecho un crucero desde el Reino Unido hasta las Azores, además de ganar su clase en la Vuelta a Gran Bretaña e Irlanda de 2014 en dos mangas. También es propietario de dos yates, uno con base en el Mediterráneo y otro en el Reino Unido.
How to prepare gel coat for painting
The gelcoat is a compound that can be based on unsaturated polyester or epoxy resin, which coats the surface of the boat and is very resistant to the marine environment. Gelcoat is a material used to provide a protective coating on the surface of the boat.
The problem is that, as the coating ages, the surface becomes more porous and sometimes black dots start to appear, which are fungi that contribute to the dirty appearance of the boat.
The best way to keep the surface clean is to opt for mild detergents, which can be diluted in both fresh and salt water. There are also protective wax cleaners on the market that contain anti-limescale agents that remove the film deposited on the hull. These products plug the micro-porosities and delay the incrustation of stains and the seizure of saline deposits.
If the usual white of the gel-coat begins to yellow, we can use products to whiten it, taking special care in the aluminum areas.there are a variety of products to whiten the gel.
How to apply fiberglass gel coat
Gelcoat is a material used to provide a high quality finish on the visible surface of a composite polymeric material. The most common gelcoats are based on epoxy resins or unsaturated polyester resins. Gelcoats are modified resins that are applied to molds in a liquid state. They are cured to the form of cross-linked polymers and subsequently coated with composite polymer matrices, often blends of polyester resin and glass fiber or epoxy resin with glass or carbon fiber. The fabricated component, once cured and removed from the mold, has the gelcoat layer on the surface. This is usually pigmented to provide a colored, glossy surface that enhances the aesthetic appearance of the article.
Specialized gelcoats can be used for the manufacture of molds which in turn are used for the manufacture of components. These require very high levels of strength to overcome the mechanical and thermal stresses produced during the curing and demolding processes.