What are the 4 principles of sustainability?


In ecology, sustainability describes how biological systems remain productive over time. It refers to the balance of a species with the resources of its environment. By extension, it applies to the exploitation of a resource below the limit of its renewal.

The principle of sustainability is based on several concepts: Sustainability science and environmental science[6] form the basis of the analytical and philosophical structure, while data are collected by means of sustainability measures. This data is then used to formulate sustainability policy plans.[7][8] Sustainability is studied and managed through the study of sustainability.

Sustainability is studied and managed at various levels of time and space and in many contexts of economic, cultural, social and environmental organization. It focuses from the total sustainability of the planet to the sustainability of economic sectors, countries, municipalities, neighborhoods, individual homes; goods and services, occupations, lifestyles, etc. In short it may include the total of human and biological activities or specialized parts of them.[12]

Principle of environmental sustainability examples

As we approach the celebration of Earth Day, we took it upon ourselves to learn more about one of the first environmentalists in history who has been a big part of the progress toward a more sustainable world. Barry Commoner is the founder of modern ecology and one of the most provocative thinkers and mobilizers to make environmentalism a political and social cause. Through his work he encouraged recycling, organic food and the reduction of the use of fossil fuels, constantly questioning overproduction and consumerism. As a high-level academic and activist, he understood that living in balance with the Earth could be summed up in 4 principles of ecology that we can all apply in our daily lives.

We think of these actions as individual events but they are all interconnected. Ultimately, pollution in the atmosphere creates a high temperature in the ocean, causing an imbalance in marine ecosystems, rising sea levels and an increase in natural disasters. Plastic that we think is not our problem ends up in the sea being unconsciously ingested by the fish we catch and eat.


The idea of sustainable development caused great interest and concern at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and since then it has become increasingly relevant.

Companies that adhere to the Global Compact make a serious commitment to integrate the concept of sustainability into their corporate strategy through the implementation of 10 Principles, which focus on four areas: human rights, labor relations, environment and anti-corruption.

But to promote the work of the 17 Sustainable Goals within companies is not enough, to achieve real change a great sustainable awareness in society is needed, which is why Global Compact Chile wants to give you 6 tips to implement these goals in your daily life:

Principles of sustainability un

Sustainability is global or integrated by definition. To fragment this concept into components is to distort its substantive essence. Sustainability must be a desire of human society and its activities in relation to nature: it is to make lasting the good that we have or enjoy and to improve the negative that we create or suffer. It applies to development (sustainable development) or to any human action with significant effects.

Cooperation and concerted action of all the actors involved in the process of environmental protection and in the achievement of a more balanced development. Sustainable territorial planning and actions must be based on participatory and global visions, avoiding any sectorial or unilateral solution.

Consideration of environmental protection as an integral part of the development process. This implies incorporating the environmental variable with an ecological approach in each and every one of the different sectoral policies and actions: rational use of natural resources, minimizing the production and hazardousness of waste, contributing to the prevention and solution of global environmental problems, conserving and restoring degraded ecosystems and natural spaces, among others.