Illnesses due to lack of basic sanitation
The urban water sector is consolidating its strategy of betting on stable, quality, qualified and equitable employment, which currently employs 32,700 people, a figure which could be doubled if the proposed reconstruction projects are implemented.
In fact, although the lowest percentage by professional group and sex of the entire sector is that of women classified as “foremen and managers” (4.38% of them and 1.05% of the sector as a whole), there is a higher percentage of female university students (27.11%) out of the total number of women, than of university students (17.91%) out of the total number of men employed in the sector.
There are more than 500 projects with a budget of more than 12.4 billion euros, which see in the European funds an opportunity to start the reconstruction with the green hydrological transformation.
The operators of the urban water cycle also stand out, at the head of the international sector, which have the capacity to channel investments in the short term, reactivating the economy; and in fact, in the national economy as a whole, these actions and other infrastructural investments would bring an increase in GDP of more than 1.8 billion euros, with a greater impact on the local economy thanks to the fact that many of the agents involved in the investment (construction, metallurgy, etc.) are active at the national level.
Percentage of polluted water in the world 2021
To order the registration of the aforementioned Collective Bargaining Agreement in the corresponding Register of Collective Bargaining Agreements and Collective Labor Agreements, with operation through electronic means of this management center, with notification to the Negotiating Committee.
This collective labor agreement is the result of the free negotiation between the signatory parties for the drafting of the 6th State Collective Labor Agreement of the Integral Water Cycle (formerly State Collective Labor Agreement of the Industries of Collection, Elevation, Conduction, Treatment, Distribution, Sanitation and Purification of Drinking and Waste Water).
Given the normative nature and general effectiveness, which is given by the provisions of Title III of the Statute of Workers and the representativeness of the signatory organizations, this agreement shall be binding on all associations, entities, as well as companies and workers, included within the integral water cycle in their functional, personal and territorial areas.
Basic sanitation
“The country’s great debt is the treatment of wastewater,” said the leader, on the first day of the event’s conferences. He said that “no more than 30% of the wastewater is treated”, and added that in those cases where there is treatment, it is not complete enough to guarantee the clean discharge of the water into the natural watercourses.
In terms of coverage indicators in Latin America, Colombia, he said, is in fourth place. He said that Chile, Argentina and Brazil have the highest coverage records. At the national level, rural coverage, he said, “is very low”. And he called attention to the fact that Magdalena and La Guajira appear with Chocó among the departments with the highest water deficit.
The United Nations World Water Development Report 2020
Water is a necessary resource for the survival of human beings. As the world’s population increases, it will be necessary to have access to a greater quantity of quality water, but the amount of water in the world is not increasing.
Our geography has determined the existence of 159 hydrographic basins in our territory, each one of them has its singularities and needs for adequate water resources management, therefore, the National Water Authority, through the Water Resources Management Modernization Project, has been promoting the creation, installation and management of water resources councils by basins as one of the most efficient and adequate water management models for the country.