Is Black soil rich in humus?

How to make black soil

Black soil is dark in color and results from the decomposition of organic matter, either from the remains of animals or the remains of leaves falling from trees, which are absorbed as nutrients.

The organic matter parts generate air pockets in the soil that increase air circulation, which is essential for root formation. In this way, the best conditions for the survival of beneficial insects and worms are obtained; they also help the air flow, so that the soil is not compacted.

What can be sown in the black soil

Soil is the biologically active, superficial part of the earth’s crust that comes from the physical or chemical disintegration or alteration of rocks and the residues of the activities of living beings that settle on it.[1] Soil is the part of the Earth’s crust that is biologically active.

There are many processes that can contribute to create a particular soil, some of these are: wind deposition, sedimentation in watercourses, weathering, and deposition of organic material.

“Mixing of all these elements with each other, and with interstitial water and air”. Initially, there is the alteration of physical and chemical factors of the rocks, carried out, fundamentally, by the geological action of water and other external geological agents, and later by the influence of living beings, which is fundamental in this formation process. A structure in superimposed levels, known as a soil profile, and a defined chemical and biological composition thus develops. The local characteristics of the systems involved – lithology and relief, climate and biota – and their interactions give rise to the different soil types.

Difference between black and red soil

When we want to fertilize our plants in an organic way, in the market we find “compost”, “humus”, and similar products that are sold as if they were the same. But, they are NOT. So, in this article I will talk about what is humus, what is the difference between compost and humus, and what is humus good for in the garden? Let’s get started!

Although the terms “compost” and “humus” are sometimes used interchangeably on products, in gardening articles, in videos and elsewhere, they are not the same. No, they are the same thing. Perhaps this confusion arises because many garden centers sell mature compost and call it “humus” (and vice versa).

Compost is a black “soil-like” substance created from the decomposition of organic matter, be it food scraps, branches, leaves and more. Compost is considered “finished” or “mature” when we are left with a nutrient-rich organic substrate, where its elements are no longer distinguishable to the naked eye.

The word ‘humus’ comes from Latin, meaning “earth”. Humus is a dark, organic, spongy substance, composed mainly of carbon. And it is very stable. That is, its organic components have degraded so much that they don’t transform much anymore.

Black earth characteristics

Sand is composed of tiny fragments of rock or other mineral. A particle is easily visible to the human eye and is called a grain. Most of the planet’s existing sand is composed of silica, derived from quartz. Sand can also contain other minerals such as iron, gypsum and feldspar.

It is widely used in agriculture as a fertilizer material for plants. Its fertility grade is high because of the nutritive elements it contains. It is thick, easily compacted. Its color is dark. It is not airborne.

The geographical location of this type of soil allows constant rainfall. It is very different from sand located in places with little rainfall. Black soil owes its dark color to the high organic decomposition it presents. It is compacted because its texture is less firm and full of organic matter. Also because it retains high amounts of water.