What is clumped distribution?

Animals with a clustered distribution

Organisms in a population can have a uniform, random, or clustered distribution. Uniform distribution implies that the population is evenly spaced, random indicates that it is randomly spaced, and clustered distribution means that the population is distributed in groups.

It is the pattern of spacing of individuals in the population (sensu Ricklefs). It is a property of communities in which their individual species and populations occupy the geographic area according to a pre-established pattern.

In general, it can be said that the distribution of populations occurs according to the resources provided by the environment and also according to the relationships that the population maintains among its individuals and with those of other populations.

Patterns of distribution of biological populations. These are the processes that give rise to numerical changes in populations. The three demographic parameters applied in ecology are: a) The birth rate: it is the proportional number of births in a population in a given period of time.

Uniform spatial distribution

Species distribution modes are the different ways in which a biological taxon may be spatially arranged in its biogeographic range. Species distribution should not be confused with dispersal, which is the movement of individuals from their area of origin or centers of high density to other locations. The area where a species is found can be represented by a species distribution map. Chorology is the discipline in charge of establishing the distribution of species, while biogeography is that which studies the climatic, geological, geographical or historical factors that determine such distribution, the communities, their dynamics, and evolution.[1] The distribution of species in groups, groups of species, or groups of species in groups, or groups of species, or groups of species in groups, or groups of species in groups, or groups of species.

The distribution of species in groups, uniform or random, depends on different abiotic and biotic factors. Any non-living chemical or physical factor in the environment is considered an abiotic factor. There are three main types of abiotic factors: climatic factors consist of sunlight, atmosphere, humidity, temperature, and salinity; edaphic factors are abiotic factors with respect to the soil, such as soil roughness, local geology, soil pH, and aeration; and social factors include land use and water availability. An example of the effects of abiotic factors on species distribution can be seen in drier areas, where most individuals of a species will gather around water sources in a clustered distribution.

Examples of uniform distribution biology

Refers to the pattern of dispersion that individuals of a population have in a given area and to the way in which populations are distributed due to the heterogeneity of their habitat. According to the conditions in a particular area, a population may find a specific zone of its habitat more suitable in a certain phase of its life cycle and also present cyclical variations over time.

– Habitat selection mechanisms: these are related to the behavioral patterns that lead an organism and a population to “choose” whether or not to live in a given environment. In this sense, it is considered that natural selection will favor individuals whose sensory systems allow them to identify suitable habitats in which they can establish themselves and develop successfully, for example, those that allow them to identify the odor of a certain food or the substrate on which they should or should not oviposit; systems that identify gradients of humidity, temperature or incidence of sunlight; others that alert them to the presence of predators and competitors, or systems that allow them to identify the presence of a certain type of substrate for fixation. Finally, habitat selection is closely related to the evolution and heritability of structures capable of providing adequate information and, of course, of having the capacity to change over time in the face of the possibility of environmental alterations or the opening of new environments.

Examples of clustered distribution

Refers to the dispersal pattern of individuals of a population in a given area and the way in which populations are distributed due to the heterogeneity of their habitat. According to the conditions in a particular area, a population may find a specific zone of its habitat more suitable in a certain phase of its life cycle and also present cyclical variations over time.

– Habitat selection mechanisms: these are related to the behavioral patterns that lead an organism and a population to “choose” whether or not to live in a given environment. In this sense, it is considered that natural selection will favor individuals whose sensory systems allow them to identify suitable habitats in which they can establish themselves and develop successfully, for example, those that allow them to identify the odor of a certain food or the substrate on which they should or should not oviposit; systems that identify gradients of humidity, temperature or incidence of sunlight; others that alert them to the presence of predators and competitors, or systems that allow them to identify the presence of a certain type of substrate for fixation. Finally, habitat selection is closely related to the evolution and heritability of structures capable of providing adequate information and, of course, of having the capacity to change over time in the face of the possibility of environmental alterations or the opening of new environments.