Who is the father of human ecology?

Who is the father of modern ecology

Ecology evolved from the natural history of the ancient Greek philosophers, such as Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Theophrastus, laying the foundations of ecology in their studies of natural history. The later foundations for modern ecology were laid in the early work of plant and animal physiologists. Evolutionary concepts of adaptation and natural selection became cornerstones of modern ecological theory, transforming it into a more rigorous science in the 19th century. It is closely related to evolutionary biology, genetics and ethology. Understanding how biodiversity affects ecological function is an important area of focus in ecological studies.

Haeckel originally understood ecology as the science that studies the relationships of living things to their environment, but later extended this definition to the study of the characteristics of the environment, which also includes the transport of matter and energy, and their transformation by biological communities.

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Considered the father of geography and ecology, he was the first to speak of man-made climate change, deforestation and other concepts that are so topical today. On his 250th birthday, Germany and the American countries he visited between 1799 and 1804 evoke his legacy as a precursor of environmentalism.

Both are a historical vindication of the lost stage of a journey through American lands that laid the foundations of concepts so basic today, but then so unassailable, as geography, ecology, ecosystem or even climate change.

The Guayaquil of the time, a city of some 12,000 inhabitants within the Viceroyalty of New Granada, was where the Prussian researcher synthesized his Geography of Plants scheme, in which he stratified by heights everything he had found about the flora, fauna and mineral world, along with other components such as temperature, pressure and water currents, explains to Efe the Ecuadorian historian Melvin Hoyos.

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The interaction between human beings and their environment is the basis of studies in Human Ecology, a field of science that brings together interdisciplinary research that contributes to making this relationship sustainable.

Human Ecology is a scientific discipline established in the first half of the 20th century that studies the connections between human beings and the ecosystem, offering a whole-systems perspective that connects the natural sciences (Biology, Physics, Agricultural Sciences, etc.) HIGHLIGHTSA singular view: Urban EcologyAgenda 21: local responses to global problemswith the social sciences (Urban Planning, Human Geography, Political Science, etc.).

The Chicago School of Sociology was the cradle of these studies. There, Ernest Burgess and Robert Ezra Park presented the vision of the city as a social laboratory that allows analysis from a physical-biological, social and cultural level. It was not for nothing that the name of this discipline was replaced by Town Ecology in the United States.

History of human ecology

Many questions can be asked from the reading of chapter four. However, there is one statement that may well summarize not only the chapter, but all that has been worked on so far. It is summed up in what the Pope says in paragraph 139: “There are not two separate crises, one environmental and the other social, but a single complex socio-environmental crisis. The lines for the solution require an integral approach to combat poverty, to restore dignity to the excluded and simultaneously to care for nature”.