What is the highest paying scrap metal?

Products to reuse

10 Products to recycle better paid Recycling is easier than it seems and there are good opportunities to sell those products that you have at home, that you do not use, that no longer serve you and that instead of throwing in the trash, you can take advantage of them, since you vacate space, earn a little extra money and also help the environment. Believe it or not, one of the main steps to help the environment is to recycle and reuse, we are sure that every day you buy a plastic bottle, water, soda, shampoo or something made of glass; in your office you have dead paper, you buy magazines and beauty or clothing catalogs or you keep cardboard, cereal boxes, the one from the television.

1) Paper. The price of white paper that has already been used is one of the best paid with an approximate of 2.50 or 3 pesos per kilogram. For each ton of recycled paper, 17 trees are saved and 28 thousand liters of water are saved. The paper you bring must be dry and free of mold.

2) Newspaper. Newspaper is one of those that are not so well paid, but if you collect enough you will get a good amount. A kilo can be purchased for 1.50. Recycling a ton of newspaper saves about a ton of wood.

Which materials can be recycled and reused

MEXICO CITY (20/MAY/2015).- Recycling is easier than it seems and there are good opportunities to sell those products that you have at home, that you do not occupy, that no longer serve you and that instead of throwing in the trash, you can kill two birds with one stone, or even three, you vacate space, earn a little extra money and also help the environment.

recycle and reuse. We are sure that every day you buy a plastic bottle, water, soda, shampoo or something made of glass; in your office you have dead paper, you buy magazines and beauty or clothing catalogs or you keep cardboard, the one from cereal boxes, the one from the television.

1) Paper. The price of white paper that has already been used is one of the best paid with an approximate of 2.50 or 3 pesos per kilogram. For each ton of recycled paper, 17 trees are saved and 28 thousand liters of water are saved. The paper you bring must be dry and free of mold.

2) Newspaper. Newspaper is one of those that are not so well paid, but if you collect enough you will get a good amount. A kilo can be purchased for 1.50. Recycling a ton of newspaper saves about a ton of wood.

Companies buying recycling

Argus Global Scrap Pricing Argus offers comprehensive and detailed coverage of the world’s ferrous and non-ferrous scrap markets, with over 1000 price assessments produced by its global network of highly qualified market experts. Argus has particular strengths in creating methodologies appropriate to the trading dynamics of a specific spot market and in providing a mechanism for valuing scrap alloys. Through its comprehensive and unique pricing assessments of specialized scrap materials or through the use of the Alloy Calculator (LINK), Argus provides market participants with an independent contract settlement mechanism for scrap recovery, even for the most developed materials.

Recycled products examples

In local junkyards they deny the purchase of such “junk”, at least in those that are registered to operate formally as such. However, they recognize that no authorities come to verify whether or not they are buying stolen material. Sometimes the judicial police come and ask questions; we let them in to check, but then they leave and don’t come back,” says the manager of a scrap metal store located on the extension of Juarez Avenue. NON RECYCLABLE GRILLSThe director of Services of the City Council of the capital, José Luis Zamora Valero, recognizes that the theft of grates is present throughout the city, but with special incidence in the north and west zones, and in the Historic Center.

In local junkyards they deny the purchase of such “fierros”, at least in those that are registered to operate formally as such. However, they recognize that there is no authority that comes to verify whether or not stolen material is purchased or not. Sometimes the judicial police (investigation police) come and ask questions; we let them in to check, but then they leave and do not come back”, assures the manager of a scrap metal business located on the extension of Juarez Avenue. NON RECYCLABLE GRILLSThe Director of Services of the City Council of the capital, José Luis Zamora Valero, recognizes that the theft of grates occurs throughout the city, but with special incidence in the north and west zones, and in the Historic Center.