Used Oil Recycling Centers
If you live in Alameda County use the table below to see if your oil and filters can be picked up from your home or apartment. Call the recycling service provider listed in the table for more information.
The San Francisco Bay Clean Boating map is free and contains locations with services for water pollution prevention (used oil collection, absorbents, bilge and other services), information on mobile boat-to-boat services, and boat cleaning and maintenance.
Recycling center
Yes, used oil can be recycled and can give life to many other materials. Leftover vegetable oil from roasting, frying, canned food, lard or expired and spoiled fats is recycled.
Some clean points may prefer to use their own containers to homogenize the collection, but bringing your own should not be a problem. Besides, you can always deposit them in the appropriate container afterwards, as there is no used oil container as such. It is at these clean points where the collection of used oil takes place for proper treatment.
As you can imagine, the recycling of plastic oil bottles is totally different from that of the oil itself. Every time we use a bottle of oil we must deposit it in the yellow container.
Once the accumulated oil is collected, it is transferred to transfer centers, where its composition and possible improper components -other components that do not correspond to the original composition- are determined.
Who receives used oil? Most dealerships that sell motor oil, including Advance Auto, AutoZone, O’Reilly Auto and Walmart Tire & Lube Express, will accept motor oil for recycling. Most gas stations will also accept oil, as long as it is clean.
O’Reilly Auto Parts collects used motor oil, automotive batteries, transmission fluid, gear oil and oil filters for recycling, free of charge! Not all services are offered at all locations.
The best way to store used oil is to put it in an airtight container that can be closed with a screw-on lid. Once you’ve done this, you can take it to the nearest recycling center, an auto repair shop that offers recycling or, in some cases, even schedule a pickup.
You can do your part by making sure you dispose of your used motor oil responsibly. The easiest way to do this is to put it inside the container your new oil came in and take it to your local recycling center for disposal.
Where to sell used motor oil
We do! AutoZone recycles used motor oil and batteries at most stores. At AutoZone, we are dedicated to protecting the environment by providing drivers with a safe and easy way to dispose of used oil and batteries. All AutoZone stores accept used batteries for recycling and 95% of our stores accept used motor oil.
What are motor oil bottles made of? Most motor oil containers are made of high-density polyethylene (HDPE or #2 plastic), a highly recyclable plastic resin.
While motor oil containers are not recyclable, cooking oil containers are. Clean your container thoroughly before attempting to recycle it. Check with local restaurants and authorities in charge of can recycling excess cooking oil. Finally, take your container to a recycling center or arrange to have it picked up.
Yes, if they are clean. Pizza boxes are usually made of corrugated cardboard which is recyclable. However, most pizza boxes have food debris stuck to them and a lot of grease. The best way to recycle pizza boxes is to dispose of any leftover food in your organics collection container before placing the box in the recycle bin.