How long does it take tires to decompose?

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The big discovery began when Miles analyzed some tire planters he had and started noticing that plants were growing in between the soil and the tires. “I noticed that these tires were half worn, I thought something might be happening,” he told LUN. He then analyzed and discovered that the wear was caused by bacteria that were feeding on the carbon in the vulcanized rubber of the tires.

Also, as part of the investigation, they visited the Chuchunco forest in Estación Central, a former landfill full of buried rubber. Samples taken there revealed the presence of two organisms. The gram-positive cocacea bacteria and the golden fungus, characterized by their ability to eliminate rubber in the feeding process.

Today, the experts are working on an “artisanal bioreactor”, with which they hope to test Miles’ theory and thus demonstrate the efficiency of the bacteria. They are looking for a formula to reduce rubber contamination. The value of this product could be between 10,000 and 15,000 pesos, in contrast to the existing ones that cost around 2 million pesos.

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. Ceilings. In addition to surfaces or soles, tire rubber can also be found on the roofs of some buildings. Tiles made from this product are lighter than traditional ceramic or concrete tiles, as well as having numerous properties such as impermeability and resistance to cold and all types of inclement weather.

. Guardrails. Rubber-coated guardrails have a double advantage. On the one hand, in addition to preventing vehicles from being thrown off the road, they can absorb a large part of the impact. Furthermore, by covering them, they avoid the serious injuries that the metal of conventional guardrails can cause to motorcyclists and cyclists.

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Nothing could be further from the truth. The National Association of Tire Distributors and Importers (ADINE) explains that there are no European or national regulations governing tire expiration.

The specifications on the homologation of tires are contained in Directive 92/23/EEC of March 31, 1992, and it does not refer to tires having an expiration date. Nor does it require the change or replacement of tires after a certain date.

It is advisable to use pallets for short-term storage and every month the order should be reversed to avoid deformation. In the case of tires mounted on the rim, they should be stored inflated and in an upright position. For long periods of time it is preferable to store them vertically on shelves, turning them at least once a month.

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Currently there are many environmental problems we are facing and, most likely, they will increase if we do not remedy them. For this reason it is very important to educate society to become aware of the global reality of the planet, the relationship of human beings with each other, the waste in nature and the problems that arise from this relationship.

One way to contribute to this awareness is through environmental education. Educating from childhood on respect and care for nature is fundamental for the future of the planet. It is the basis for future generations to build a more environmentally sensitive and responsible lifestyle. Faced with the climate emergency we are experiencing, it is necessary to educate for change, it is necessary to educate to improve the relationship between society and the environment in which it lives.

Communication has a fundamental role as an agent of awareness. At TNU we are aware of this, and for this reason, in addition to fulfilling our obligations regarding the treatment of end-of-life tires, we also actively promote the culture of recycling with the aim of promoting a more sustainable present and future.