Should I cover my garden with plastic in the winter?

At what temperature plants freeze

During the winter season, outdoor plants have to face extreme temperature changes and this can seriously affect their health. From Jardinatis, we tell you 6 tips to keep in mind to keep them protected from the action of cold and frost. 6 tips to protect your outdoor plants during the winter1.

Prevent clay pots that are outdoors from figuring due to the humidity stored in the substrate. To do this, water very little and wrap the pot in a protective plastic with air capsules (cling film). Thus, it will be conserved much better. 3.

If you have a porch in the garden, we recommend that you gather all your plants under it and protect them with the nets that we have already mentioned. Another option you can use is to place an old blanket over them during the night. Once the sun rises, you should remove it so that the plant can continue to transpire.

How to protect a mango tree from the cold

One of the things we can do is to shelter plants indoors. The problem is that not all plants can withstand life inside four walls. Take the opportunity to shelter all indoor plants inside the house and those that do not require direct sunlight. Of course, all of them should be placed near the natural light of a window and far from any radiator as they would dry out. Humidify the environment daily with a spray or humidifier.

If the species you have are totally outdoor and are not cold climate plants, you will have to look for other ways to protect them. If you have the opportunity to move all the plants to the highest place in the garden or terrace, sheltered from drafts, do it. You can always create your own hiding place with some plastic or breathable fabrics to protect them from the cold wind. In this way you will make your plants resistant to frost.

For plants planted in the ground, the best option is the so-called mulch, created with pine bark, gravel, stones or tree leaves. You must create this protective soil before the original has frozen, otherwise, you will enclose the roots with the cold ice accelerating their freezing.

Cloth to cover frost-covered plants

When the first cold weather arrives, it is essential to cover the most vulnerable plants and flowers with a cloth, tarpaulin, plastic… to prevent them from being damaged by frost. See here for more tips on how to care for plants in winter.

You should also keep in mind that during the winter plants need less water and fertilizer, as they start a kind of dormancy process, during which they require less nutrients to live.

When it comes to watering them, choose the warmest times of the day and try not to wet the plant, since when temperatures drop, the remains of water could freeze and be harmful to the plants.

Another option to take care of your garden in winter, if you have enough space and resources, are greenhouses. In this way, we can shelter our plants and shrubs from frost and the cold winter. Here is another article on how to choose a good greenhouse.

Regarding the care of the garden lawn during the winter season, it is important to carry out certain actions to keep it green and alive. Also, it is not advisable to cut the lawn completely when winter arrives, discover the steps to follow in this article on how to save my lawn.

How to protect plants from intense cold

Markus Spiske / UnsplashDecreasing the frequency of wateringDecreasing the frequency of watering is one of the tips to take care of your garden in cold weather, since during winter plants need less amount of water to subsist.Since during low temperatures plants hibernate and need less nutrients to survive, an excess of water could be very harmful, since this can freeze and affect the plant. Therefore, the best time to water plants is during the warmest hours of the day, so grouping and relocating your plants in warm places protects them from low temperatures.

Markus Spiske / UnsplashGroup and relocate your plantsAnother tip for caring for your garden in cold weather is to group plants together, as this helps create microclimates with good humidity and temperature levels. Also, placing them close to the wall helps to create a protective layer from the cold.Another recommendation is to avoid plants being in direct contact with the ground, so you can place them on a wooden plank or on plastic or, if possible, on shelves and shelves.As with plants, it is important not to water the lawn to prevent it from freezing.