Is ecology a good career?

Ecology career in peru

Have you finished high school and now you have to decide which degree to study? If you were in the area of chemical or biological sciences in high school and you like everything that has to do with living beings, or you are passionate about the defense of environmental care. We believe that the Bachelor’s Degree in Ecology is a great option for you.

In this post we are going to tell you what this career is about, in which universities you can study it and what you can do once you finish it. We will tell you where you can find a job and what salary you can expect. We will also introduce you to some of the most prominent environmentalists in our country. As well as, the advantages and disadvantages of studying this degree.

Career in ecology and environment

In this article we are going to tell you what the Biology Career consists of, how long it lasts, what subjects it has and which institutions offer it. We will also explain the reasons why it is a good idea to study biology, what a biologist does, where he/she can work, and much more! Read on!

Biology is one of the sciences with the widest field of study, since it investigates all living beings that inhabit our planet, from the analysis of microorganisms to ecological systems.

Being a science that covers such an extensive object of study, it makes use of other disciplines such as Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics to carry out its scientific studies. Although Biology as a science focuses on the analysis of living beings, there are different branches or orientations with more specific objects of study, such as:

The Biology Career trains professionals capable of studying living beings, from their minimum structure to the most complex relationship they have with the Environment. Also, so that they can carry out actions aimed at the survey, analysis and evaluation of biodiversity in different ecosystems.

Bachelor’s degree in ecology and environment online

A degree that trains professionals with the knowledge, skills and values to contribute to the solution of problems in the area of Ecology, capable of understanding the functioning of natural ecosystems from their individual components to the complexity of their interactions -between species and between species and their environment-.

Ecology is closely linked to research, so its graduates have an eminently scientific profile; it is an educational alternative, in the context of the 21st century, that contributes to the formation of citizens with a new vision for the construction of a sustainable society.

The interest for Natural Sciences and for deepening the understanding of natural phenomena, as well as for carrying out theoretical, experimental and research activities, and the willingness to travel and spend long periods in field work are fundamental characteristics to be taken into account.

At the end of the first six semesters, students will have learned to pose research questions and will have received a solid training to try to solve them with different laboratory and field tools.


The term ecology came into use in the mid-19th century.    In 1963, Howard Thomas Odum defined ecology as the study of the structure and functioning of nature, with emphasis on the idea that living organisms grouped together to function as a biological unit or ecosystem.

Since it is not possible to study all the interrelationships of the planet at the same time, ecology deals with them mainly at three levels of integration: that of populations, communities and the ecosystem, which is the broadest group of the three.

Everything that affects a living being and conditions its growth is known as environment. It comprises all the natural, social and cultural values that prevail in a given place and at a given time. Everything that happens in the environment influences the life of human beings and future generations. All activities and actions carried out by human beings have a direct or indirect impact on other living beings, water, soil or air.