What do we mean when we say human ecology is transdisciplinary?

Transdisciplinary theory

We put in dialogue different currents of political ecology, highlighting both their tensions and their complementarities. We consider that the Anglo-Saxon, Francophone and Latin American versions, besides having been configured as more or less autonomous, isolated and incommunicating entities, have generated different epistemological, ontological approaches and scientific practices. Based on these approaches, we question the possibility, relevance and/or necessity of advocating a cosmo-political ecology. To prefigure this proposal, we defend the need to de-regionalize, denaturalize, trans-scalarize and resituate these different political ecologies.

We propose a dialogue between different trends of political ecology highlighting both their tensions and their complementarities. We consider that the Anglo-Saxon, French-speaking and Latin American versions have been developed as autonomous, isolated and uncommunicated entities and have generated different epistemological and ontological approaches as well as scientific practices. Based on these considerations we wonder about the possibility, relevance and/or necessity of advocating a cosmo-political ecology. To foreshadow this proposal we defend the need to de-regionalize, de-naturalize, transcale and relocate these different political ecologies.

Qué es la transdisciplinariedad en educación

Este ensayo se pregunta por el carácter transdisciplinar de la pedagogía y su relación con la identidad “híbrida” del pedagogo. Se revisan diferentes enfoques teóricos sobre la multi, inter y transdisciplinariedad en el estudio de la educación y se recupera sintéticamente la discusión sobre el estatus epistemológico de la pedagogía. Se discute si es posible entender la educación y el trabajo del pedagogo hoy en día desde una perspectiva unidisciplinar; si la pedagogía puede considerarse transdisciplinar, y si la identidad híbrida del pedagogo es una expresión del carácter transdisciplinar del estudio de la educación.

La autora tiene razón en el hecho de que la trayectoria histórica de constitución híbrida de la disciplina pedagógica se ve reflejada en la identidad mestiza del pedagogo, pero resulta relevante preguntarse e indagar si esa hibridez responde también a un carácter transdisciplinario, transgresor, indisciplinado intrínseco de la propia pedagogía, que contrasta, por supuesto, con la fragmentación disciplinar a la que el pedagogo suele verse expuesto durante su formación.

Complex thinking and transdisciplinarity: emerging phenomena of a new rationality

The sphere of action of all transdisciplinary research is dictated by the demand for usable knowledge. It is opposed to the traditional linear research-action scheme that assumes a neutral science transferring knowledge to an uncritical society. It therefore transcends any division between basic and applied science.

The methodological innovation of MEGADAPT consists in how the project components are organized to form two subsystems linked by a double coupling. Thus, the objects at the frontier, while addressing the specific demands of each stage of research, together link the socio-political infrastructure (or soft infrastructure) and biophysical and water infrastructure (or hard infrastructure) systems. In one sense, a set of boundary objects shows how decisions generated in the first subsystem modify vulnerability patterns in the megalopolis. In the reverse sense, another set of boundary objects shows how the perception of these patterns influences the mental models of the social actors. By closing the decision cycle in this way, the complexity and uncertainty of socio-hydrological risk management in the megalopolis is analytically integrated.

Transdisciplinarity examples

Transdisciplinarity connotes a research strategy that crosses disciplinary boundaries to create a holistic approach. It applies to research efforts focused on problems that cross the boundaries of two or more disciplines, such as research on effective information systems for biomedical research (see bioinformatics), and may refer to concepts or methods that were originally developed by one discipline but are now used by several others, such as ethnography, a field research method originally developed in anthropology but now widely used by other disciplines. The Belmont Forum[1] explained that a transdisciplinary approach is enabling input and analysis across scientific and non-scientific stakeholder communities, and facilitates a systemic way of addressing a challenge. This includes initiatives that support the capacity building required for successful transdisciplinary formulation and implementation of research actions.