Whats the difference between biology and ecology?

Relationship of ecology to mathematics

Ecology evolved from the natural history of the ancient Greek philosophers, such as Hippocrates, Aristotle, and Theophrastus, laying the foundations of ecology in their studies of natural history. The later foundations for modern ecology were laid in the early work of plant and animal physiologists. Evolutionary concepts of adaptation and natural selection became cornerstones of modern ecological theory, transforming it into a more rigorous science in the 19th century. It is closely related to evolutionary biology, genetics and ethology. Understanding how biodiversity affects ecological function is an important area of focus in ecological studies.

Haeckel originally understood ecology as the science that studies the relationships of living things to their environment, but later extended this definition to the study of the characteristics of the environment, which also includes the transport of matter and energy, and their transformation by biological communities.

What is the relationship between genetics and biology?

Ecology is the science that studies the relationship between living beings and the environment in which they develop, how they are distributed and the reason for their abundance in a given area, and how these properties are affected by the interaction between organisms and their environment. The environment includes the physical properties that can be called the sum of local abiotic factors, such as climate and geographic features, and the other organisms that share that habitat (biotic factors).

Ecology is the science that aims to study the relationship established between living things and the environment in which they develop, just as studying how they are distributed and why of their abundance in a given area, and how those properties are affected by the interaction between organisms and their environment. The environment includes the physical properties that can be called as the sum of local abiotic factors such as climate and geography, and other organisms that share that habitat (biotic).

Relationship between ecology and biology

We could easily continue talking about the branches of ecology throughout this article, since there are even fields of study or disciplines that some authors define as branches of this area of biology. However, we wanted to share with you the most important ones and, above all, those that are mainly relevant to life on Earth.

Do you know of any other branch of ecology that you think should be added? If so, share it in the comments and briefly explain what it is about so that we can continue to expand our knowledge about ecology and its interactions with the environment.

What sciences does biology relate to?

“Ecology” and “environment” may seem to be synonymous concepts, and in fact on many occasions we use them interchangeably. Without going any further, environmental and ecological care allude to the same idea of protecting nature; however, there are significant differences that we must be aware of in order to be able to use them properly and better understand the contexts in which they are used because, despite their similarities, the difference between ecology and environment is important. Here, in EcologíaVerde we reveal the details of their main differences.

If we turn to the dictionary, as is usual in these cases, we find that the RAE gives us guidance on the meaning of the word “ecology” when it refers in its first meaning to “The science that studies the relationships of living beings among themselves and with their environment”. The second meaning, on the other hand, includes the sociological concept, in which it refers to the relationship between groups and their environment, understood from a broad approach. A third meaning of the word “ecology”, also of interest to us, speaks of the “defense and protection of nature and the environment”, i.e., on the one hand, ecology is a science that studies the different relationships that are established between living beings and between them and their environment, while on the other hand it orients this study to their protection.