Does Amazon require original packaging returns?

You can return any products sold by When you return a product, you may see different return options depending on the seller, the product, or the reason for the return.

Need to return a product shipped by

Go to the Online Returns Center. To return products you purchased:

1. Go to the Online Returns Center, and click “Return Items”.
2. Find the order you want to return, and select “Return an item from this order.” If you do not see the order you are looking for, select another option from the “See more” menu and click Go.
3. Select the product you want to return.
4. Enter the number of products, select a reason for return from the “Reason for return” drop-down menu and add any additional information in the “Comments” box.
5. To continue, choose one of these options:

    • If the product was sold by, select your return option.
    • If the product was sold by a seller, click “Submit for Approval”.

Some sellers may need to review your return request. After the seller reviews the request, they will send you a label or instructions for returning the product. If you do not receive a response within two business days, you can file an A-to-z Guarantee claim. For more information, go to A-to-z Guarantee Warranty Protection.
6. Select your preferred return shipping method. If you choose to return the product through Amazon Locker, we will ask you to choose an Amazon Locker location at this time. For more information about returning a product to Amazon Lockers, go to Return a product to an Amazon Locker.
7. Print your return label and return authorization. Some returns will not require you to print a return label or return authorization. If you do not have a printer at the time you complete the return, you can print it later (we will email you a link to the label), or you can have someone print it for you.
8. Place the return authorization inside the package and affix the return label to the outside of the package. Return Policy

Products shipped from, including Amazon Warehouse, can be returned within 30 days of delivery, with some exceptions:

– For information about products that cannot be returned, see Products that cannot be returned.
– To determine if a product sold by has a longer return period, find the product type below. If the product type is not listed or does not indicate another return period, our standard 30-day return policy applies.
– While most sellers have a similar return policy to Amazon’s, some may vary. If the product listed by the seller is eligible for Amazon Prime, it will be subject to the same return policies as the products shipped by described on this page. For more information on how to make returns to sellers, see Returns to Sellers.
– For products purchased from the Amazon Global Store, see Amazon Global Store Returns.
– For information about refund times, see Refunds.
– If you returned a product to Amazon in error or included something not intended for Amazon in return, see Mistaken Returns.

Products that cannot be returned

There are some products that you cannot return to or that you can only return to a seller. does not accept returns of the following products:

– Laptops, desktops, and Kindles more than 30 days after delivery.
– Products classified as hazardous materials or that use flammable liquids or gases (contact the manufacturer directly for service, warranty, return and refund information)
– Any product that does not have a serial number or UPC number
– Downloadable software products
– Online subscriptions after you have accessed them
– Gift cards (except as required by law)
– Prepaid game cards (World of Warcraft, Xbox 360 Live, Wii Points, etc.)
– Certain jewelry orders
– Certain health and personal care orders
– Grocery products
– Open software
– Products with special shipping restrictions
– Live insects